Chiropractic Care and "Text Neck": Alleviating Modern Day Strain

In the age of smartphones, tablets, and prolonged screen time, a modern-day ailment has risen to prominence: "Text Neck." Characterized by pain and strain in the neck and shoulders, Text Neck results from the frequent forward bending of the neck while looking down at screens. With our increasing dependency on digital devices, addressing Text Neck has become paramount. Enter chiropractic care, a holistic approach that not only treats the symptoms but addresses the root causes and encourages lifestyle changes. Let's explore how chiropractic care can help combat the stresses of Text Neck.

What is Text Neck?

Text Neck is a postural syndrome, resulting from hours spent with the head tilted forward and down, typically while using smartphones or other handheld devices. This posture increases the weight and strain on the cervical spine. While the human head averages 10-12 pounds in a neutral position, when tilted down at a 60-degree angle (as it often is when texting), it exerts a whopping 60 pounds of force on the neck!

Symptoms of Text Neck

  • Neck pain and soreness

  • Upper back pain, which may range from chronic, nagging pain to sharp muscle spasms

  • Shoulder pain and tightness

  • Decreased cervical range of motion

  • Chronic headaches

Chiropractic Care: An Answer to Text Neck

  1. Spinal Adjustments: Misalignments in the spine, particularly the cervical spine, can result from poor posture. Chiropractors can perform targeted adjustments to correct these misalignments, reducing pain and restoring function.

  2. Postural Training: Chiropractors emphasize the importance of maintaining proper posture, especially during prolonged device usage. By teaching patients to be mindful of their posture and offering ergonomic recommendations, chiropractors provide tools to counteract Text Neck.

  3. Targeted Exercises: Strengthening and stretching exercises can help stabilize the neck and shoulder muscles, enhancing posture and reducing pain. A chiropractor might recommend exercises to fortify the muscles supporting the neck, promoting long-term relief.

  4. Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy: Many chiropractors incorporate massage techniques to alleviate muscle tension associated with Text Neck. Soft tissue therapies can help address tightness in the neck, shoulders, and upper back.

  5. Education: Beyond hands-on treatments, chiropractors educate patients about the implications of prolonged device use and offer suggestions to reduce strain, such as taking regular breaks, using phone stands, or elevating devices to eye level.

Preventive Measures

While chiropractic care provides relief from Text Neck, prevention remains crucial. Here are some tips:

  • Elevate Devices: Hold phones and tablets at eye level to reduce neck bending.

  • Regular Breaks: Every 20 minutes, take a short break to stretch and change posture.

  • Neck Exercises: Engage in daily neck exercises to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility.

  • Ergonomic Workspaces: For those working on computers, ensuring an ergonomic setup can reduce the strain on the neck and back.


Text Neck is a testament to our changing times, where digital devices are both a boon and a challenge. Chiropractic care offers a holistic, non-invasive approach to mitigate the repercussions of our modern lifestyle. By combining spinal adjustments, patient education, and preventive strategies, chiropractors guide us toward healthier habits, ensuring our necks remain strong and pain-free in our digital age. If you feel the strain of Text Neck, consider visiting a chiropractor to embark on a journey toward better spinal health.


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