Knee Pain

  • Osteoarthritis

    Osteoarthritis, a common cause of knee pain, results from the gradual wear and tear of the knee joint. Our approach to managing osteoarthritis includes exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles, improve joint stability, and reduce pain. We also provide guidance on lifestyle modifications and weight management to alleviate stress on the knee joint.

  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome (Runner's Knee)

    Patellofemoral pain syndrome can be caused by factors like improper tracking of the kneecap or overuse. Our therapists employ exercises to correct muscular imbalances, improve tracking, and reduce pain. We focus on optimizing biomechanics and providing guidance on appropriate footwear and training techniques.

  • Meniscus Tears

    Meniscus tears can cause sharp pain and limited knee function. Our treatment plans for meniscus tears may include exercises to improve knee stability, modalities for pain management, and therapeutic techniques to promote healing. We customize rehabilitation programs to match the extent of the tear and your goals for recovery.

  • ACL and MCL Injuries

    Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) and Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) injuries can be quite disabling. We provide post-injury rehabilitation that includes exercises to restore knee stability, proprioception training to prevent re-injury, and therapeutic modalities to manage pain and inflammation. We work closely with you to facilitate a safe return to your pre-injury activities.

  • Knee Bursitis

    Knee bursitis can lead to swelling and discomfort. Our therapists offer targeted interventions to alleviate bursitis symptoms and improve joint function. Treatment may include modalities to reduce inflammation, exercises to strengthen supporting muscles, and guidance on proper joint protection techniques.

  • liotibial (IT) Band Syndrome

    IT band syndrome can cause pain on the outer aspect of the knee. Our approach involves exercises to address muscle imbalances, improve hip and knee biomechanics, and reduce IT band irritation. We also provide advice on appropriate stretching and training strategies to prevent IT band syndrome recurrence.